Climate Neutral Cardano
Cardano Stake Pool Alliance
Climate Neutral Cardano Group (CNCG) is an alliance of Cardano stake pools committed to using 100% renewable energy for the operation of their stake pool servers. In addition pool operator rewards are donated to protect the climate and environment. CNCG is working together with the Cardano Foundation, the Cardano Community, Veritree (and more) to make the Cardano network the most eco-friendly blockchain platform on this beautiful planet.
Head over to the Veritree ITO page and plant some trees in the Cardano Forest!
Responsible Staking
Ticker: VITAL
ArmADA StakePool
Ticker: ARM1
Stake for Nature
Ticker: ST4NA
Ticker: CAFE
Ticker: CO2P
ADAvault Stake Pool 3
Ticker: ADV3
ECO Pool
Ticker: ECO
⚠️ ADAvault
Ticker: ADV
Bio Pool
Ticker: BIO
ADAvault Stake Pool 2
Ticker: ADV2
CardanoCafe Two
Ticker: CAFE2
SHIFT: a climate positive Cardano stake pool
Ticker: SHIFT